Our Story (the true INSPIRATION behind NEW DAY, NEW SMILE.®)

My mother is a breast cancer survivor. My mother's 2 sisters and her mother (which would be my grandmother) all passed away from cancer.
My mother always said, her "secret remedy" for conquering breast cancer was her “faith in god”, “faith in herself” (to never give up), and to FIGHT IT head-on beginning each new day with a new SMILE!
PS Thanks Mom for your inspiration and for sharing your secret!!
At NEW DAY, NEW SMILE.®, we believe in the expression “capture the heart and the mind will follow”. Our brand embodies those special words and is the reason why we established NewDayNewSmile.com
Our brand have that unique kind of gift, the kind of gift that people tend to gravitate to when their eyes makes contact with those (4) little words. You feel a certain kind of “positive energy”, that resonates throughout their body and results in a SMILE.
NEW DAY, NEW SMILE.® is a brand that is Cute, Fun and INSPIRATIONAL. A brand that is full of "goodness", "positivity" and "inspiration" all rolled up into one and applied everyday.
You never know what life is going to throw at you what challenge is next, we take it one day at a time and strive for the best. Despite the negativity that surrounds us each day, we still wake up to a smile and for some they pray.
Skies are blue when it rains there gray, “New Day, New Smile.” are words to embrace. Just like the flu “achoo” you sneeze, you’re contagious with the goodness “New Day, New Smile.” brings.
No matter the challenge you may have to face, it feels real good when you have something of comfort in place. Like a pillow, a blanket or even our tee, that’s positive, feels good when placed on your body.
A t-shirt with a message and beautiful design, words that can be shared with others and at anytime. A t-shirt that is cute, fun and inspirational, and you may have just made someone’s day much more memorable.
You’ll be making a statement when wearing our soft comfortable tee, a statement that others will appreciate the “goodness and positivity”. Our graphic designs are carefully detailed from the start, and our goal at the end is to capture your heart!